The stable surface formed by membrane structure can accept the spatial structure with certain external loads. Its shape is light, soft, and also has the advantages of flame retardant and easy installation, so it has been widely applied all over the world.


1、Light weight of membrane structure: membrane structure is a light structure determined by the information and structure of membrane structure selection. Compared with other traditional building structures, membrane structure is very light

2、Long life span of membrane structure: membrane structure is a semi-permanent structure. Now the world's oldest membrane structure has been used for more than 30 years

3、Its steel framework only needs to be coated with anti-corrosion coating to increase its use; the membrane material for construction is a high-grade composite material with outstanding mechanical properties, high strength and aging resistance, and the life span of membrane structure construction can be as long as 50 years with reasonable structure design

4、The membrane structure has good self-cleaning property: the exterior membrane of the building has no static electricity and has no adsorption force on the dust, so it is not easy to dust. Even if it falls on a little dust, it will be easily removed by wind and rain. Therefore, membrane structure architecture always appears in our vision with a bright and clean appearance

5、The span of membrane structure is large: the membrane structure can be built into a large-span building without a central supporting column. Some large public activity sites required to be built without columns and large open spaces. The choosing of membrane structure is greatly idealization

6、The technical performance of membrane structure is good: membrane material is a kind of disordered space curved surface which is difficult to be made by rigid materials, so it is more convenient to choose membrane structure

7The construction period of membrane structure is short: the manufacturing of framework and the processing of membrane materials are all carried out in the factory, which greatly shortens the construction period on site

If you are interested in membrane structure, please consult us in detail with Guangzhou Texmond Structure Technology Development Co., Ltd
